The Best Places to Farm Iron in New World

Iron is a vital resource in New World—for almost every crafting profession in the game. As such, knowing the best spots to mine this important metal can help players level their characters more efficiently. Read on to find out the best iron mining routes in New World.

iron mine.jpg

Iron Vein Nodes

Look for clumps of these reddish-brown nodes of Iron Vein as you explore New World locations.


What Iron Ore is used for in New World

Iron ore is used in almost everything in New World—so you’re going to be needing lots of it. Anything from crafting gear, tool, weapons, jewelry, and more—it needs iron.

The raw ore can be used in certain recipes on its own, but others will want you to first use the Smelter in town to turn it into Iron Ingots. These are the base ingredient for anything that needs metal (since to make the high-level metals, you first need iron ingots).

Knowing the best routes to farm a ton of iron ore is essential to speeding up your crafting experience in New World. We’ll take a look at the best spots below.

How To Find the Best Mining Areas

Once you’re in your favorite area, bring up the Map (press M by default) and take notice of the different colors on the map surface. For mining, we’re looking for the light brown areas of the map—so the bigger the patch of brown you see, the greater chance you’ll have of finding large amounts of iron veins, as well as other metals.

This rule of thumb applies to all areas in New World. However, it seems that the likelihood of finding Iron Vein diminishes with higher-level areas. As such, you’re best bet for fat stacks of Iron Vein nodes will be around any of the starting areas. Choose your favorite light-brown spot on the map, and start going round for the hot spots.

Top Iron Vein Farming Areas

Below are favorite spots for farming iron. They are packed full of nodes, even when several other players have the same plan as you do. If a particular route doesn’t work for you, then try different spots on the map until you find what works best for you.



Windsward / First Light

Perfect for continuous farming—once you’ve traveled the entire area, everything will have respawned again, ready for another round.



Everfall / Monarch’s Bluffs

If Windsward and First Light areas are busy on your server, consider this alternative spot, which has just as many nodes—and may have fewer players farming it.



Monarch’s Bluffs

If you want to farm while at work or watching TV, consider farming the same few nodes as they respawn. Just tab back into the game every 10-15 minutes to collect that iron!

There are also several more locations that you may find less crowded on your server. Using this map tool you can find anything you’d like to collect in New World. All the credit goes to the creator of this fantastic resource.


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