The Best Places to Farm Oil in New World

Find out the recommended spots for Oil in New World, with different locations to suit every playstyle.


Oil Deposit

Dark steaming pits in the ground. That’s Oil!


What Oil is used for in New World

Oil is used to make weapon oil coatings, which do bonus damage against certain types of enemies. These oils can be crafted at the Arcane Repository.

Unlike other mined materials in New World, you don’t need to process it in the smelter before using it.

How To Find the Best Mining Areas

For oil, even though it’s part of the mining skill, you won’t often find it in typical mining areas. Check out our recommended areas below for best results.

Top Oil Farming Areas

Below are favorite spots for farming Oil. They are packed full of nodes, even when several other players have the same plan as you do. If a particular route doesn’t work for you, then try different spots on the map until you find what works best for you.



Weaver’s Fen

Hands down the number 1 farming spot for oil. This boggy area of Weaver’s Fen is absolutely full of Oil deposits to keep several players happily farming without any issues.

There are, however, quite a few enemy camps around these areas—as well as crocodiles—but they are all quite low level and should not prove much problem to higher-level players.



First Light

If Weaver’s Fen is a bit far from your base town, or you’re not a fan of all the mobs and the marshy water you have to run through, then consider the smaller—yet still concentrated—oil fields to the North-East of First light.

There is also plenty of Iron Ore around these areas, so you can kill two birds with one stone in this area.



Cutlass Keys

If you just need a few nodes of Oil for your needs—and you’re based in the Southern end of the map—then check out the Sand Marshes area in the North of Cutlass Keys.

This is a great spot for a quick Oil farming session.

There are also several more locations that you may find less crowded on your server. Using this map tool you can find anything you’d like to collect in New World. All the credit goes to the creator of this fantastic resource.


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