The Best Places to Farm Platinum in New World

Find out the recommended spots for Platinum Ore in New World, with different locations to suit every playstyle.


Platinum Vein

Platinum nodes look very similar to silver—normal grey rocks with dashes of white/silver.


What Platinum Ore is used for in New World

Platinum is used in Jewelry making—able to craft high-level necklaess, earrings and rings at the Outfitting station.

To make the Platinum you need in Jewel crafting, you will also need a lot of Silver and Gold, since these first two metals are needed to then craft the third-tier metal—platinum.

How To Find the Best Mining Areas

Once you’re in your favorite area, bring up the Map (press M by default) and take notice of the different colors on the map surface. For mining, we’re looking for the light brown areas of the map—so the bigger the patch of brown you see, the greater chance you’ll have of finding large amounts of mining nodes.

For high-level ores like Platinum, you won’t see it very often in all low-level areas of the map, so it’s best to wait until you’re nearer level 60 before starting to seriously farm Platinum ore.

Top Platinum Vein Farming Areas

Below are favorite spots for farming Platinum. They are packed full of nodes, even when several other players have the same plan as you do. If a particular route doesn’t work for you, then try different spots on the map until you find what works best for you.




To the West of Reekwater are two great areas for Platinum Ore. Both spots are close enough to each other for players to bounce between them, leaving you enough time from start to finish for the nodes to all respawn again (10-15 minutes).



Ebonscale Reach

If Reekwater is a little far from home, consider the Western part of the map—Ebonscale Reach. With one large mine area in the North, and a small but heavily-concentrated spot in the South, this will keep Platinum farmers busy.



If you’re getting closer to level 60 and don’t mind some higher-level mobs bothering you while you run around farming, then the risk pays off with several clumps of Platinum nodes close to each other in a pleasant little farming run in Edengrove.

There are also several more locations that you may find less crowded on your server. Using this map tool you can find anything you’d like to collect in New World. All the credit goes to the creator of this fantastic resource.


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